Lost in Translation
I've had several lost in translation moments today.
First, I was woken up by the sound of classical players. I open my door to find an entire string section playing various traditional Russian music. This was a bit unexpected.
I asked one of the English speaking staff what this was about and she explained they were the entertainment for the Sunday brunch at the hotel. Brunch sounded enticing so I went to check it out.
Upon arriving at the restaurant I was informed that as a hotel guest I would be given a special price for brunch - only 3,500 rubles - or about $140. Those better be some fan-fucking-tastic eggs.
My common sense told me that I'd probably be fired if I attempted to expense what was essentially a $140 omelet so I decided to walk over to the Aeroflot office to change my flight back to NY to an earlier day. Unfortunately, no one in the office spoke English. The helpful woman at the counter told me the only words she knew in English - "I love you". This was not so helpful given the current situation.
Using a series of pantomime, as well as some rapid fire pointing at a calendar I got the idea across, and in the end managed to change my flight.
I've also continued my streak of great timing - as I managed to catch the tail end of this. Very sad.